Friday, April 9, 2010


So since being pregnant sleeping has been very different for me. I am tired and so I think "I will go collapse and take a nap", or "YAY I will get to sleep in tomorrow!"..But the truth is that even though the baby is not here yet I'm already used to getting maybe 5 hours of deep sleep...maybe.
I remember the days when I did not have to go to school or work and I could easily sleep till the break of noon. Now however even though I am more tired and need sleep more then I did then, I can never seem to catch it!!! From my back hurting to wanting to sleep on my belly ( I have always been a belly baby) or the baby having a 8 am dance party and of course my favorite, the need to pee every 2 hours. Sleeping in is a gift that I will forever miss....however on the upside of all this, whenever someone gets to talking to me about having a baby so young one of the 1st things they bring up is "well your never gonna get any sleep once that baby gets here". My response is "well actually I have not been getting sleep for the last 5 months so I feel really prepared for the nights ahead" and its true! I think is Gods way of easing us into the no sleep life. Weather its getting up every 2hours to feed the baby, clean up vomit or scare away a monster under a bed.
I'm looking forward to getting up with my baby and holding him/her every 2 hours or 30min if need be, because I know even though it all may be tiring now, one day when my little one is all grown up I'm gonna wish I could do it all over again.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This is my most recent prego picture with my best friend Lauren.
Its not my best angle but lets be honest WHAT IS THESE DAYS!?

About my Blog

Well hello Internet world!
I am very new to this whole blogging stuff but I am ready to give it a try.
My Blog is about my life as a new young mother. I am 20 years old and currently 7 months pregnant. My baby is due June 2nd. I decided to do I blog to keep everyone in my life updated on everything that's going on pregnancy wise, share my thoughts and hopefully get some good advice and share some as well.
